Monday, July 2, 2012

Glacier cruise!

We (Joe, Mac, Morgan, Mike, Mary, and me) went on a glacier cruise through Major Marine out of Whittier.  We checked coffee....found some donuts.....Mac fell on the gravel and got upset....the usual.

 Joe changing peepee diaper at the harbor

 Whittier Harbor

 I make my little man feel better

 My father in law is hilarious!

We boarded the boat and got settled.  Mac had a great time crawling all over the table and all over Joe and all over Mary and all over Mike.  Oh my.  That baby.

We were able to go out of the cabin and take look around.  Even though it was super overcast, there was no rain so it was not that bad.  We tried not to keep Mac out in the wind though for too long.  The wind was pretty brutal when the boat was really moving.  We went up to 2 glaciers!  We saw harbor seals.  Alaska is just so dang beautiful!  

 He did not like the wind so much....

 My boys are the CUTEST!

 Me and my glacier ice margarita!

 Glacier ice in my margarita!

 The besties with their glacier margaritas!

 Harbor seals

 I think this picture is super sweet.

 And he is finally asleep.......

 And he is fading....

 And he is out....

 And he is still out....

 And he is drooling.....

On a totally not related to glacier cruises note.....we stopped by today to see how far the painters have gone and they have done an amazing job!  They have done the trim downstairs and gotten the first coat on in the majority of the downstairs living area!  The color (Behr's Scotland Road) is a little bluer than I thought it would be but I love it!  It is going to work really well with our furniture and it makes the downstairs feel so much bigger and open!  We are hopefully going over to the house tomorrow to do some yardwork so maybe I can get more pictures then......Mary wants to plant some flowers!  I am so excited seeing the house come together!

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