Thursday, July 12, 2012

The best hugs!

Mac gives the absolute best hugs ever and I got a LOT of them today!  He had a great time playing today!  Unfortunately the weather up here has been pretty gross so today was spent indoors....

He actually went down for a pretty long nap today which gave me a chance to do......NOTHING!  Wait, that is a lie.  I made meatballs.  Cleaned.  Unpacked some more boxes.....

We also got a package in the mail today from my mama.  It was packed full of adorable Polo clothes for Mac and a TON of shoes from The Children's Place.  (Please excuse the blurriness of the picture...I have not mastered the iPhone camera yet)

When Mac decided to get up (and after he ate), we went back up to his room so I could unbox some more stuff in there.  He was making things super difficult for me.  He thoroughly enjoyed pulling down each book that I put up on the shelf.  I literally broke into a sweat just attempting to put all of his books on the shelf.  While this was all going on, Bella was very smart and hid under his bed.  However, my Godzilla is equally as smart and realized that is where "bewa" was and promptly crawled under the crib with her.  She ran.  Mac also thought it was great fun to pull his pants out of the drawer and put them all over the floor.  However, he was a good boy and put them (mostly) back in the drawer.  So stinking cute!

On an Alaska-y note:  I was playing on Facebook and I saw that Channel 2 had posted this insane picture of a halibut caught in Whittier.  It is 7 feet 1 inch long!  CRAZY!

On an "I have lost my mind" note:  I forgot to post these pictures yesterday.  Mac got ahold of my phone and took some pictures.....

**If anyone loves me.....they should go to Bath & Body Works for me because I am QUICKLY running out of bubble bath.  I have decided that I need to do a better job of relaxing at night so I can actually maybe fall asleep (sleep still eludes me a lot).  My solution to this is to take nightly bubble baths.  Thus my predicament of disappearing bubble bath........

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