Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good day!

My little man let me sleep until 9:15 this morning!  SCORE!  After we ate breakfast, we had to drive over to FedEx to drop off some fish to be shipped for our old landlord Mike.  Mac had a grand time singing and dancing in the car.....

I thought he was going to go to sleep when we got back to the house but nope.  We played upstairs with the tv blaring on Nick JR (which Mac likes WAY better than PBS).  I got a couple of boxes unpacked and cleared out.  Mac discovered his Masters hat that Papa Mike got him from the Masters.  Mac looked like Gilligan with a beer gut.....

Mac also had a great time terrorizing Bella.  I tried to get it on video but I was not fast enough.  I did get some videos of him playing....he is not going his normal speed because he was getting sleepy but he is still cute!

After a while, Mac climbed into the rocker in his room and just stared at me.  So I put him in his crib for a nap.  Speaking of his crib, he is almost big enough now to climb out of it (which he tries to do).  I keep waiting for the day/night that I hear a loud thump because he has flipped out of his bed......

After the big boy woke up from his nap, Caryn and Cayla came over to play.  They are so funny.  Mac was sitting on his sit and spin toy and Cayla also wanted on....so we put both of them on the thing together.....I got a good giggle out of it.

I saw online that Menchies had the Red Velvet flavor in today so that made what we were having for dinner different.  We were going to do Parmesan Ranch Chicken packs grilled but instead I made homemade meatball sandwiches (gotta love that I pre-make meatballs and keep them frozen).  Mac thoroughly enjoyed his meatballs.  He particularly liked getting them on him....silly.

On a house decorate-y note, I spent a lot of time in Mac's room this morning and the walls are SUPER boring.  Particularly the large wall behind his bed.  I saw this really cute idea on Pinterest to do the ABCs in different size letters and colors on the wall but I was also wondering what else there is to do.....

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