Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hot n Cold

So I thought yesterday was a long day.....Today was even longer.  Mac only napped for 30 minutes.  If my days had a theme song, today's theme song would be "Hot n Cold" by Katy Perry.  If we went outside, Mac wanted to come inside.  If we were inside, he wanted to go outside.  If he was on the ground, he wanted me to pick him up.  If I was holding him, he wanted to get down.  The only thing he wanted to eat today was Rice Chex and bananas.

This morning I got a little bit accomplished.  I stripped the guest bed because I am about to put different bedding on it and I cleaned up/organized Mac's room a little bit (not that you can tell by looking at it now).  While I was doing these things, Mac was accomplishing some stuff of his sending "emails".....and taking clothes out of my closet (the picture I have of this is just the beginning of it not the entire amount he pulled down).....

When Mac woke up from his "nap" we attempted to go outside for a little bit but the sun was honestly too much for the both of us.  The air temperature up here is in the 70s but the sun is so close to us that our thermometer actually read in the 90s!  When we came inside, I put on the movie Cars in the hopes that Mac would just veg out.  He did.  For 15 minutes.

A little bit later, we decided to brave the sun.  I had already put more water in the sandbox so Mac could splash.  However, it had not warmed up very much and Mac was not super excited about the coldness!  He kept getting in it though!  We did not last as long outside today as we have done on other days.  Just too hot.

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