Monday, July 9, 2012

Thank goodness for slippers

Explanation of the name of this post: Joe bought me some slippers so my feet would be better supported on our floors (having super flat feet and standing a lot mixed with hard floors is no bueno).  I wear them all the time in the house!  The only thing I wished was different is that I wish they had a back to them...but they don't.  Wow.  I just wrote an entire paragraph about slippers.  Something must be wrong with me.  On to better topics....

I actually got up with Joe this morning (he had to go back to work!) and was able to sit around and relax before Mac AKA Godzilla woke up.  I enjoyed my coffee and I thoroughly enjoyed sitting on my sofa under my favorite blanket while reading a book!  Once Mac got up, I decided to barricade us upstairs so I could get some more boxes unpacked.  Let me tell you...unpacking with Godzilla running around is not so easy.  Good thing that Joe has the best Ipad!

Once he finally decided he was bored with the Ipad...and I wouldn't let him just walk around with it....he switched to opening the nightstand drawers and playing with my thank you cards.  Those things entertained him for almost 30 minutes!

While we were unpacking stuff, I was PATIENTLY waiting for the cable guys to show took them forever to get here and it took them a long time while they were here.  Positive note out of this is now I have my HGTV back!

Once Mac woke up from his nap, we went outside!  The sun was super shining and the crazy wind that we have had for the past 2 days was gone!  We were outside for a while!  Mac ate grass, chased Bella, chased me, pushed his truck around, and went down backwards on the mini slope/hill in our yard.  We also took a walk down our street to the main street.  Mac walked all the way down the street and halfway back before he decided he wanted to use both of his hands to eat (he has priorities).

When Joe got home from work, we were finally able to go order our new washer and dryer!  We got the white Samsung 9 cycle front loader washer and electric dryer with pedestals.  I cannot wait for them to get here.  They are not supposed to arrive until July 24th.  I am going to not have any clean clothes left......

After Mac went to sleep, Joe went over to the old house to get some more small things and start cleaning.  I kept unpacking.  Things are starting to fall into place more and more every day in the new house which makes me super happy.  Today's task was putting our food pantry in order.  I also got cute little jars from Target ($7.99) to put cornmeal and sugar and powdered sugar in.  I need to get a couple of more so I can put flour and wheat flour in them too!  I have a goal to keep a more organized pantry in our house.  I see such cute ideas on Pinterest.....

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