Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tickle, Tickle

So...this posting is going to be super random.  Usually I do things in chronological order.....since things have been a little chaotic these past couple of days....I am just going to post the pictures that I have and then narrate them.  Hopefully, things get a little calmer over the next couple of days....

 This is the preliminary view of the living room

 Thursday morning we went to Snow City to stock up on some carbs before our long hard day of moving!

 Preliminary view of the dining room...

 Apparently, all the moving done on Saturday was just too much for the little bear....

 First morning in the new house!

 Mac just wanted to help his daddy clean!

 Mary took this picture of Mac running amok outside of the new house on Friday!  He LOVES the space of the yard and the porch.

 Mike and Mac had a great time playing in the yard!

 Mary took this picture too in the new house's neighborhood while Joe, Mike, and I were at the old house packing up.

 Mac spent some quality time with his MoeMoe on Thursday while we were moving furniture!

 Mac was about to run amok on the porch!  He LOVES going in and out of the door.......

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