Wednesday, July 11, 2012


WHOOPSIE!  Apparently, today is our anniversary and we both totally forgot!  The only reason we remembered is I called my mama and she said "happy anniversary" sad is this?

I called mama on the way driving to the old house so I could clean the kitchen and the bathrooms.  The old house is coming along pretty well...not much left to do in it.  

Erica took Mac for the day so I could get some stuff done!  Erica is beyond awesome!  Apparently, when Joe dropped Mac off he went straight to Erica and gave her a big hug....which he kept up for 45 minutes.  She posted a couple of pictures to facebook which are below.  He only took like a 15 minute nap....he hates missing out on anything over there!

On the news this morning, KTUU posted a picture of a mama bear crossing the road with her babies.  This is walking distance from our house!!!!!!!!!

When I got back to the house, I unloaded some more boxes.  I filled up the bookshelves and I organized the built-in desk.  I also figured out what I was going to do with my numerous amounts of scarves in our closet.  Master closet= complete

While I was in the grocery store, I picked up some groceries and a card, flowers, and candy for Joe for our anniversary.  I set it all up very prettily on the table....which caused Joe to turn around and go to the grocery store to get my anniversary gift.....

 Flowers, card, and candy I got Joe

 Card and season 4 of The Big Bang Theory

 Joe also got me flowers.  We ran out of vases so I used growlers...

On a side Alaska-y note, apparently there was funnel clouds in the Inlet next to Anchorage on Monday!  How crazy is that??????  

On a "I forgot to add it the other day to the blog" note, Joe took a picture of Mac playing with Disney dvd's while we were buying our washer and dryer the other day at Best Buy...

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