Monday, July 23, 2012


Haha.  That is how Mac says he is "done" when he finishes eating (and apparently when he is "done" in the bath tub).  It cracks me up.  This morning Joe and Mac curled on the sofa together and I thought it was the cutest thing EVER!

We got a lot done around the house.  We started clearing more of the garage out.  We are now down to the last probably 15ish boxes.  I am so ready for the garage to be cleared out and organized.  I am ready for all of the boxes and trash to be gone.  GONE.

On a positive note, I actually made the guest bedroom bed!  It now matches the walls (pictures to come later).  Next on my "nesting" list (besides clearing out the garage) is to start putting pictures on the walls.  I have been researching the best ways to hang pictures without doing too much damage to the far the Monkey Hanger things seem to have the best reviews.  We will see what Joe wants to do.

We were out running some errands this afternoon (Nordstrom and Michaels).  Mac wanted a sip of my bottled water and then he took my bottled water.  He LOVES to drink out of water bottles.  He usually crumbles them up and gets it all over him but this bottle required him to suck the water out rather than pour it out!

I have a conundrum....I have five million belts and right now they are in a jumbled mess in our closet floor.  I have no idea the best way to organize them.....I have checked out google and Pinterest but so far nothing that I really liked or wanted to do.  AAAHHHHHHH

On another positive, I was able to work out today!  SCORE!  I did 30 minutes on the elliptical....I was going super speed!  Then I did about 15 minutes of ab work....gotta lose that Mac belly somehow!  On my way out I noticed a table set up at the front of the gym.  They were doing free fitness tests and you just needed to sign up.  So I did.  I am a little excited about this.


  1. We use the Monkey Hangers on our walls... I love them just bc they are easy! And they have belt hangers... it looks like a big C... its not the best at organizing but it gets them off the floor!

  2. Do you know the best/most affordable place to buy Monkey Hangers?????
