Friday, July 27, 2012

We have a climber!

Like I didn't already know that. This morning Mac had a great time climbing in and out of his high chair.  He is STRONG.

Mac also had a great time hanging out with Bella today.  He chased her....hugged her....threw her toys....hid her toys.....played with her dog food.....ate her dog food......

Mac and I also spent some serious time outside today!  When it is gorgeous in Alaska you take advantage of it!  Mac is so curious about how things work (which I got pictures of) and he is so smart!  I am going to be in BIG trouble......

When Joe got home from work we had to head over to the old place to wrap it up.  On the way home, we stopped by McDonald's for dinner (I forgot to take something out)....Mac thoroughly enjoyed his own happy meal!

When we were down eating, we headed outside to further enjoy this beautiful weather and amazing sunshine!  Mac was all over the place.  Joe kept throwing a ball for Mac to fetch.

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