Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mr. Cranky conducting business

This morning I told Joe to wake me up when he got up.  I apparently told him to "go away" and growled at him.  Whoopsie.  When I did decide to eventually wake up, I rolled over to this....

Let me tell you...Mac was TERRIBLE today.  He was cranky pretty much all day.  Everything I gave him to eat, he didn't want.  So frustrating.  CANTANKEROUS.  He did decide to not yell for about 20 minutes while he sat in his high chair conducting his business....

Later we went to Michael's where I became "that woman with a screaming baby."  I NEVER wanted to be that person.  Mac pitched a HUGE fit and all I could do was thank goodness that I had him strapped into his stroller rather than in a shopping cart.  He threw goldfish everywhere and then when I refused to give them back to him decided to reincarnate the devil.  He did a very good job of it too.  Everyone in the store avoided me.  I would have avoided me.

We got back and he continued his cranky streak so I decided it was nap time.  He woke up cranky.  OH MY.  I fed him chicken nuggets for lunch which did make him a little happy.  The sun was shining and the day was gorgeous so I decided we would spend the afternoon outside.  That usually makes him happy.  Not at first today.  He threw himself on the porch yelling.  I ignored him.  I got him a nalgene bottle of water and then he calmed down.  He had a great time pushing trucks around (gotta love the $1.50 truck from the dollar store)....

  While Mac and I were outside playing, Joe showed up with dad!  Mac ignored both of them because he was pre-occupied with his trucks.  He then started showing some interest in showing dad around the back porch (while holding dad's hand).

Since dad and Joe were hungry, we called in for take-out pizza from Moose's Tooth (which was awesome) and then we went to Menchie's for dessert!  SOOOO GOOD!  Mac had pizza (which he loved) and ice cream (which he loved).  He pitched a gigantic fit when I ran out of ice cream to give him......oh my.  When we got back to the house, Mac had ice cream all over his face and pizza sauce on his face and in his hair.....so in the bath he went.  Mac has a GIGANTIC belly.  Silly baby.

Monday, July 30, 2012

House Updated

Joe was actually home this weekend so we got a lot done around the house!  The garage is getting cleaned out and organized (YAY!)!  We have also started getting pictures hung up around the house.

 Wall near front entry.  This was one wall of 2 that I did a DIY project thing with.  I have a lot of scrapbook paper and it is really pretty.  It is also a great thing to use when you don't want to buy expensive frames and matting.  I used the "heritage" tablet of scrapbook paper to do this wall and the dining room wall.  I printed 8 X 10 pictures to place in the frame....

 Wall in between kitchen and laundry room

 We finally got the clock put up.  However the time never changes because we haven't put batteries in it yet...whoopsie.

 This dining room server is used to store Mac's downstairs toys

 This is wall 2 of the scrapbook pictures.  

We got the guest bedroom done tonight before Joe left to go to his softball games.  It is more put together than our bedroom.  We did buy new laps for our bedroom today though and I love them!  Whenever our bedroom gets put together, (I am still looking for a giant frame to do a Pinterest project with) I will take some pictures....  

Friday, July 27, 2012

We have a climber!

Like I didn't already know that. This morning Mac had a great time climbing in and out of his high chair.  He is STRONG.

Mac also had a great time hanging out with Bella today.  He chased her....hugged her....threw her toys....hid her toys.....played with her dog food.....ate her dog food......

Mac and I also spent some serious time outside today!  When it is gorgeous in Alaska you take advantage of it!  Mac is so curious about how things work (which I got pictures of) and he is so smart!  I am going to be in BIG trouble......

When Joe got home from work we had to head over to the old place to wrap it up.  On the way home, we stopped by McDonald's for dinner (I forgot to take something out)....Mac thoroughly enjoyed his own happy meal!

When we were down eating, we headed outside to further enjoy this beautiful weather and amazing sunshine!  Mac was all over the place.  Joe kept throwing a ball for Mac to fetch.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nerd books

Ok so Mac has been asleep for a while and Joe is at his softball games.  I am nesting.  Big time.  I cannot wait to get pictures up on the walls.  I can't hang the pictures up on the wall until I have Joe's undivided attention and ability.  In the meantime, I am still working on unboxing the garage.  Tonight I have unloaded a giant box and 2 smaller boxes.  In those boxes I have made a discovery.  I found.........Joe's nerd textbooks.  No lie I cannot even pronounce half of the names of those books!  When I found them I immediately thought "what in the world (substitute different word) am I going to do with all of these ridiculously heavy books?"

Musk Ox Farm

Today, Caryn, Cayla, Mac and me went to the Musk Ox farm in Palmer, AK.  It was like an hour drive north of Anchorage.  The day was absolutely gorgeous!  Neither Caryn or I have ever been to the Musk Ox farm so we weren't really sure what it was going to be like.  I think we were both expecting it to be more zoo-like.  It was not.  It was not really worth the drive to go see but you learn!


 Girl musk ox!

 Little man was sleepy!

 Musk ox- they look like they are off of Star Wars

 So incredibly sleepy

 Boy musk ox

Mac did manage to take a roughly 20 minute nap on the drive back.  He is so cute!  He never looks comfortable in his car seat though so I think we are going to get him a new one (Graco MyRide) from Burlington.

The weather has been super nice!  I can only hope that the weather holds when my daddy gets up here!  This is what the weather people said about the weather for today and tomorrow!  SO NICE!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good day!

My little man let me sleep until 9:15 this morning!  SCORE!  After we ate breakfast, we had to drive over to FedEx to drop off some fish to be shipped for our old landlord Mike.  Mac had a grand time singing and dancing in the car.....

I thought he was going to go to sleep when we got back to the house but nope.  We played upstairs with the tv blaring on Nick JR (which Mac likes WAY better than PBS).  I got a couple of boxes unpacked and cleared out.  Mac discovered his Masters hat that Papa Mike got him from the Masters.  Mac looked like Gilligan with a beer gut.....

Mac also had a great time terrorizing Bella.  I tried to get it on video but I was not fast enough.  I did get some videos of him playing....he is not going his normal speed because he was getting sleepy but he is still cute!

After a while, Mac climbed into the rocker in his room and just stared at me.  So I put him in his crib for a nap.  Speaking of his crib, he is almost big enough now to climb out of it (which he tries to do).  I keep waiting for the day/night that I hear a loud thump because he has flipped out of his bed......

After the big boy woke up from his nap, Caryn and Cayla came over to play.  They are so funny.  Mac was sitting on his sit and spin toy and Cayla also wanted on....so we put both of them on the thing together.....I got a good giggle out of it.

I saw online that Menchies had the Red Velvet flavor in today so that made what we were having for dinner different.  We were going to do Parmesan Ranch Chicken packs grilled but instead I made homemade meatball sandwiches (gotta love that I pre-make meatballs and keep them frozen).  Mac thoroughly enjoyed his meatballs.  He particularly liked getting them on him....silly.

On a house decorate-y note, I spent a lot of time in Mac's room this morning and the walls are SUPER boring.  Particularly the large wall behind his bed.  I saw this really cute idea on Pinterest to do the ABCs in different size letters and colors on the wall but I was also wondering what else there is to do.....