Monday, April 28, 2014

The things I learn

Being at home, I now spend a LOT of time on the internet.  A lot.  I read blogs.  I pin food on Pinterest.  I Google random stuff that I hear on tv.  What did I learn today?  I learned that you can order magazine subscriptions on Amazon.  An entire year of Better Home & Garden is currently $5 for an entire year.  Serious.  This led me to looking at what other magazines were available.......Country Living, Us Weekly, Star, People, Flea Market, many magazines.  Some of the subscriptions were for 2 years.  WhAT?!  Mind blown.  And yes, I really do get this excited every time I figure out something new.

I also spend a lot of time looking at new books to read.  I do read freakishly fast so I am constantly on the hunt for books.  I also discovered that you can buy books used on Amazon for WAY cheaper.  I think deep down my love of books comes from my favorite Disney movie Beauty and the Beast.  I want her library.  One day, when we are in our forever home, I will have a library.  I am talking floor to ceiling bookcases FILLED with books.  And not with just pretty books but books you actually read.  There also needs to be a fireplace and leather chairs.  I love books.  Some people swear by the tablet reader things but I just love holding a book.  LOVE.

This morning I had a doctor's appointment.  It was not super satisfying. Honestly, I love Dr. Hinkle but his doctor's office is getting too big and busy.  I haven't been able to meet with him for over a month.  I currently just feel like a chart that is getting passed along rather than a person.  That is not at all the experience that I had with Mac.  This morning I had to meet with a nurse practitioner that I really do not care for.  She didn't clarify anything for me about what I can or cannot do.  However, the baby is fine.  I lost 2 pounds.  I am now at 158.  That puts my total weight gain for this pregnancy at 25 pounds.  I need to fix that.  I honestly thought that by being at home that I would just pack on the poundage.  That has not been the case at all.  I think I probably should be at a higher weight gain at this point because I was so much smaller going into this pregnancy........

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