Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Like Frankenstein

My son is a mess.  A funny face making. Funny sayings and phrases.  Super active.  Mess.  You can't help but grin when you look at him.  His imagination is outrageous.  He has picked up some pretty funny habits (like tapping his face with his finger when he is thinking).  Tuesdays and Thursdays he is going to go to Erica's so he can have preschool and so this super pregnant mama can have lazy time.  When Joe picked him up, they were reading on the stairs.  A Christmas book.  So cute!!!!!

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day still dealing with the HR fiasco.  Which in case you didn't know is the OPPOSITE of relaxing/lazy time.  Lot of tears were involved.  They kept changing what they wanted to have.  At one point the HR lady literally went on to my doctor's website just to investigate my doctor and the credentials.  Completely serious right now.  However, I got it resolved this morning.  All of my paperwork goes to the sick leave bank tomorrow and I will get a letter in the mail next to week to see how much I am going to qualify for in terms of sick leave days coverage.  This pregnancy has done some serious damage to how many days that I myself have available.  We know that we are going to have to take some time unpaid (hopefully just a week and hopefully I get covered for the full maximum 24 days I can get).

So when Joe got home I was in serious need for happy food.  My happy food lately is generally Chinese.  Joe decided he wanted Red Robin.  While he was picking it up, Mac spent some serious time on the toilet.  AND he totally pooped!  (yes gross and TMI but this is a big deal)  He was cracking me up on the toilet.  He kept telling me that he "pooped like Frankenstein."

When we got to dinner time, I didn't eat a whole lot but I was planning on having my leftovers for lunch.  My husband however had different ideas.  He literally ate almost every one of my fries (including the ranch).  Probably not the best idea to take a pregnant lady's food....especially a pregnant lady who has been having some pretty rough and stressful days.  Mac even reprimanded him for eating mommy's dinner.

I didn't sleep very well last night.  I am getting another cold or something.  I really really really wish that I could just get this out of my system.  Not only do I have another cold coming in but heartburn has reared its ugly head (wives tales say that if you have a lot of heartburn that your baby will be born with a lot of hair).  However, Mac made up for it this morning with some super cute/sweet snuggles.  He has gotten to where every once in a while he just grins and me.  It is so funny.  We got some good snuggles going on the sofa for a while too.  Heart = Happy.

This picture is example of the little grin he gives me......

As I am typing this blog post, I am sitting on the floor in the bathroom in the hopes that Mac will poop in the toilet.  Not working out so well........fingers crossed.

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