Thursday, April 17, 2014

Coming up with posts titles is hard

Seriously.  Coming up with post titles is hard.  Joe wanted me to name this one "arts and farts."  No joke.  The other day I was going through my email and I found an email with things I meant to put in a blog post.  I guess I forgot.  Mac LOVES when Joe tosses him in the air.  He does this weird kick out thing with his legs.....Here is the blurred action shot.

And the video.....

Mac went to daycare/preschool today.  I love when he goes because he comes home with such fun art.  Today was no exception!

Tonight, Mac had soccer practice.  He was falling all over the place.  I wonder why he just randomly falls?  He was a little bit of a handful today.  I sat on the sidelines and watched.  Joe chased him and dealt with him.  After soccer practice, we headed to a frozen yogurt place with some of the other families.  We always have fun with them!

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