Monday, April 14, 2014

First day

Today was off to a great start.  Until 12:30.  I received a phone call from the secretary at work (who is beyond amazing and I adore her) that HR has denied my application for the sick leave bank.  They were not happy with the form that the doctor's filled out.  Apparently, having a professional medical person sign off that a patient cannot work is just not enough.  They apparently want details.  This is so frustrating.  However, my doctor's office is awesome.  They refilled out the form with more details.  The secretary is going to call HR in the morning before submitting the paperwork to see if the new details will suffice......I don't understand the level of information that they feel that they need.  The doctor checked off the box that says "Can the patient work?"  How is that not enough?  Did people in HR magically get a medical license that enables them to make that judgement?  What made it even worse is that the email that the HR person sent to my secretary told my secretary that she needed to notify payroll to put me on Leave Without Pay.  Are you serious?  This is so incredibly stressful and not necessary.  The secretary is irate with all of this and is planning on going into battle.  I spent a good bit of the afternoon crying.  If they really have to put me on LWOP then I will have to go back to work against my doctor's advice.

Rant over.

Mac and Joe got haircuts today.  We headed over to Great Clips.  Joe went first and then it was Mac's turn.  For him to be such an active boy, he does a great job getting his hair cut.

Tomorrow Mac goes to pre-school and I plan on heading to Target.  I have started putting together my hospital bag.  I need some cute pj's and lounge-y clothes.  I also want to get things for Mac's Big Brother Kit (his gift from Nora when she arrives).  Fingers crossed tomorrow goes better.  Fingers super crossed that the paperwork is not to the satisfaction of HR.

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