Friday, April 18, 2014

Antler "Art"

I have decided to spruce up some of my walls.  I was definitely encouraged by the pictures that Lisa took that I still need to print.  I enjoy finding "art" that I can make myself or print off the internet.  Things that make me giggle or are ridiculous.  To me, "art" shouldn't be perfect but it should fit you and your family.  It should bring a smile to your face every time you see it.  Case in point, the "Hey, Ya'll" sign that I have by our front door.  It's ridiculous but I smile every time (as do most people who come in through our front door).  Yesterday, as Mac and I were snuggling on the sofa, I was reading my favorite decorating/DIY book (Young House Love) and I found it.  I found the next "art" that I was going to make.

We definitely had everything in our house for this.  Well minus the gold sheen poster board that they used in their project.  However, I did have awesome scrapbook paper that I like to use around the house.  Joe cut the wood and stained it.  I traced out the antlers that I found online onto scrap paper.  Then I laid the paper out on the wood to get an idea before I attached it....

Once I was happy with the placement, I put down a thick layer of ModPodge and then put the antlers down.  Then I covered the antlers with a top layer of ModPodge.  There is some rippling in the paper but whatever.  It is not meant to be perfect.

Once that dries (and yes it will dry clear), I will put another layer of ModPodge on.  I will probably end up putting on another couple of layers of ModPodge to make it smooth.  Then I will find a way to put it on the wall above our vintage Alaska map.  Super stoked!

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