Friday, April 25, 2014

Still Sleepy

I am still sleepy.  I did not at all sleep well last night.  Joe got back yesterday from his Cali trip around 12:30 but he was sporting a massive cold.  This massive cold led to massive amounts of snoring.  I would have gone downstairs to sleep in the guest bed but there is currently stuff on it (maybe I need to add that to the to do list?).  It also did not help that this baby has lodged herself in a super uncomfortable position and REFUSES to move.  I have NO idea where she gets that stubbornness from.........But seriously, when I try to push her to move, she gets annoyed and pushes back.  Joe even tried to push her and she did the same thing.  So she stays.  Lodged up under my right ribs to the back.  It's fun.  Today, I go to the doctor so we will see what's going on with her then!  Until then, here are some random pictures......

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