Saturday, April 26, 2014

And the recap

These past couple of days have been a little jam packed.  I was in a super nesting mood the other day so I worked on my planters next to the front porch.  My Junipers are currently budding but the flowers that we planted in between them last summer are looking a little rough.  I fertilized them so we will wait and see if they decide to come back.  If they don't then I will just plant more Juniper!  I LOVE the look of Juniper.  I am going to convince Joe to build me a front porch bench and then put planters on the sides of it.....probably with Junipers!  Although, I have been seeing Mosquito repellent pins on Pinterest lately that have me intrigued......

Yesterday, Mac and I were hanging out at home.  Mac was giving me kisses and doing kissy faces.  I was cracking up laughing.  He is a mess.

The other day I also did some Nora laundry and put the clothes up.....Check out that closet!  (Keep in mind that it does not include the clothes in the dresser....)

This morning my boys made me breakfast.  They made Monkey Bread.  DELISH.  Not the most healthy of meals but whatever.  It was good.

Mac also did some jumping.  He is LOUD.  His jumping probably seriously registered on the Richter Scale....

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