Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer days

Summer days make me happy.  I am sitting on the sofa.  Heyward is playing in the yard.  Bella is passed out in the corner of the sofa.  Mac is snuggled up on me watching Umi Zoomi.  Pure happiness!

Heyward isn't feeling too good so he slept a lot yesterday.  He had a poopy accident yesterday (and today) in his kennel.......he has tummy troubles right now.....

This was Mac passed out in his bed last night.  He does not look comfortable at all!

This is how Mac watched Dora the Explorer yesterday!  Check out those ginormous feet!

I had my 31 Open House/Debut Party yesterday and a big whopping 3 people showed up!  While I was "hosting" Joe had Mac outside playing in the water......

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