Thursday, June 6, 2013

boom shocka shocka

Mac likes to say that.  I think the phrase is technically "boom shockalocka" but Mac and I have changed it up.  It is so stinking cute when he says it.  Today I told him that he was so stinking cute and he repeated the phrase back to me.  :)

We went outside this morning for a while and the puppies went nuts playing.  Bella kicked Heyward's butt!  Big time.  This is kind of funny because Heyward is almost triple Bella's weight.  She is small but fiesty.

Got a video of Mac....

At dinner time, we had a four alarm melt down over......a fork.  No joke.  If you look close in this picture you can see a tear....

He got over it.  Joe took Heyward to puppy class today and I gave the big boy a bath.  During his bath, he kept yelling "my weenis".....oh my goodness.

After his bath, Mac and I got some cuddle time on the bed while he watched a movie.  He originally started out in the chair....

Joe is in the process of sanding Mac's bookshelf.  He needs to condition it and hopefully I will be able to stain it tomorrow!

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