Sunday, June 16, 2013

Just a little bit of larping....

So Larping is where you dress up like the middle ages people and you battle it out.  And no.  We did not larp yesterday.  Joe had batting practice before one of his games.  On one of the other fields, there were roughly 50 people larping.  No joke.  It brought batting practice to a stop.  I got a picture but it is kind of dark....I also got a video.

I guess I need to backtrack a little.....Mac spent some time in the yard.  Sarah came over with her dog and watched Mac for a while (I had a mentoring thing I needed to do).

Right before I left to go, I looked at one of my lilac bushes and it is blooming!  I feel like a proud mama!

And here is where we spent a good bit of the day yesterday....Joe had a softball tournament.  We went back this morning.  I left after their second game because the big man needed a nap (blog post later!)

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