Thursday, June 20, 2013

I. Love. My. Baby.

Sometimes he drives me nuts.  Sometimes I threaten to duck tape him to the garage door with a for sale sign on him.  That's only sometimes.  However, he is just so stinking cute.  I would not change anything.  He says the funniest things.  He gives great hugs!  He gives LOTS of kisses.  He has a crazy imagination.  Half the time I don't know what he is saying.  Yet, the phrases that he says are hilarious.  "Try it you like it" His facial expressions crack me up.  Right now he is sitting next to me making his feet clap together.

Conducting business

Who's nose does he have?  It is not mine and it is not Joe's.  None of us have a nose that turns up at the end.  It is weird that I have never really noticed this until this picture....

Yesterday, I went outside to check on my youngest fur baby and when I came back in I discovered Mac sitting on the toilet laughing hysterically while still wearing his diaper.  He is so funny!  I have been spending a lot of time lately in that godawful pink downstairs bathroom so I am plotting how I am going to change it.....

  Switching for a second for the crazy weather Alaska has been having.  Look at this satellite photo of Alaska during the heat wave.  No clouds.  Miserable!

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