Sunday, June 9, 2013

Heat Wave

It was over 75 degrees today.  I know that does not sound terribly hot in comparison to the number temperatures that are in places in the lower 48.  HOWEVER, the sun is incredibly way closer up here in Alaska than in...say....Georgia.  So when it says that it is feels way hotter!  There are actually heat warnings for the next two days.  No joke.  See.

We spent a lot of time outside today but I don't know if I am going to keep Mac outside that much tomorrow.  He got tore up by mosquitos.  TORE up.  Joe went to the movies with Sarah and Lee so Mac and I laid in my bed and watched Cars 2.  He kept pulling up the blanket and going "my banket."  He is so incredibly adorable.  I put him down for bed at 8 and while I was singing him his sunshine song he kept asking me to kiss Towmater (he has a Towmater pillow pet).  Silly boy.

However, I just looked in the security camera and someone is not asleep............arrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh

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