Monday, June 17, 2013


That is how I would describe this day.  HOT.  It was literally hotter today in Anchorage than in Georgia.  Something is seriously wrong with that.  What makes it even more painful is: 1) the lack of air conditioning and 2) Anchorage pretty much sold out of fans.

Our house gets SUPER hot because the entire backside of the house (where the majority of our windows are) is in the sun all day.  That might not sound like a big deal until you consider the fact that we have a lot of daylight (the sun didn't go down until after 1 am last night).

I spent an hour and a half running around Anchorage this morning trying to find fans.  I literally went to 6 stores.  At Costco, a very nice gentleman in front of me told me where to go!  I got two fans!  Check out the shelves at Walmart....

Here is what the weather channel up here's Facebook said: Whew...its a hot one, alright! Highest at KTUU is 87 degrees so far today...81 at the NWS Sand Lake Forecast office. If they achieve 84, it would tie the record for this date in Anchorage (84 in 1948), but it is unlikely at this point. Talkeetna hit 96 degrees today for the highest (official) temperature in the state today.

Here is a picture of a friend of mine's temperature gauge in her car:

When Mac went down for his nap (which he slept really well because one of the fans went in his room), I decided to tackle some house stuff.  I did laundry (it smelled terrible because of Joe's softball uniform) and then I decided to take down the screen door.  We knew when we painted the house that we wanted to take it down.  So I did.  There are definitely some spots that need to be patched up and fixed but I think when the house/trim/door is painted that it is going to look amazing!

Here is how Mac beats the heat!

So here is something that happened over the weekend.  This excessive heat has made the mountains melt snow way faster than normal.  This causes crazy flooding.  Never fear there is not a creek directly near us.  HOWEVER, about two miles away there is a creek that crazy flooded (Rabbit Creek).  It took out a bridge and changed the course of the river and did some damage to a couple of houses.  (THIS IS NOT MY PICTURE)

Our friend Nick was out golfing on the other side of town and this is a picture that he took of Ship Creek and the damage it did to the trail.....

And completely unrelated to heat or is a picture of Joe's softball team at this past weekend's tournament (this was taken on Saturday before the craziness of Sunday)....

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