Monday, April 15, 2013

Who needs a fork?

I was STARVING when I got home from work.  STARVING.  So what did I do?  Got out the leftover strawberry cake that the amazing Caryn Homerding made.......Did I get out a plate?  Nope.  Who needs that?

Today I continued doing laundry.  Dark clothes and Mac's clothes, here I come!  Look what I found in Mac's laundry basket....and so it begins finding random stuff in my son's dirty clothes basket.

I have been teaching Mac to blow kisses and wink.  We have mastered the blowing kisses thing.  Not so much on the winking thing.  It is so incredibly cute when he does it that I tried to get it on video.  Didn't really work out for me.  (cross your fingers the video loads)

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