Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Copate!

So, Joebasuar has a ton of pictures to show y'all today! From the puppy to Mac playing/cuddling with mommy to the furniture build we have a lot of pictures and videos!!! Lets start with Mac's bed. I wend to Lowe's yesterday and picked 12 2x2 boards to use as support for Mac's mattress since he isn't going to have a box spring. This bed is solid! When sitting on the footboard, it feels like the bed is attached to the floor.

We had some ups and downs with Mac this afternoon. He was happy and playing with us and the puppy most of the time, but then had to be put in time out.. I don't remember what he did, but he wasn't happy.

Caution: the video below contains unintelligible toddler profanity!

After he apologized to mommy and gave us hugs and kisses it was back to playing! Jami asked him is he was going to cooperate and he kept saying, "No copate!" Hilarious!

The puppy passed out under us next to the couch. Not a very good spot with Mac hovering just above... Luckily he wasn't smashed:

Oh and one last thing. Erica posted this video of all the babies with her dad today. They are all so stinking cute!

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