Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I have been waiting for almost one month to get the official results from the HSG that I had.  Today, I heard from my nurse (who talked to my doctor).  My left fallopian tube is open!

This means that we can have babies!

I don't have to do IVF and I am not infertile!  The reason it has taken so long is that there appeared to be complications with my uturus in the test.  Upon further investigation by my doctor and the radiologist, my uturus is totally fine!

The only question I had for the nurse was how often I would actually be ovulating since I am a uni-ball (aka only 1 Fallopian tube).  She said that I will ovulate every single month but just off of my left side!

So in one year I have grown a tumor, was told I couldn't have any more babies, went through testing, and now I can have babies!

Today is an AWESOME day!    

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