Saturday, April 6, 2013


April is so weird.  We had a week of 40+ degree weather and then BAM!  We get hit with a huge snowstorm that is supposed to last through next Friday.

(Taken from Channel 2, KTUU's facebook page)

This morning when we woke up we had about an inch.  See?

At 7:00 right before we put Mac to bed this was our view.....

Yup, we are currently at about 8 inches of snow.  The snowflakes are HUGE and it is coming down like rain.  CRAZY April weather.  

On Friday, this insane stomach bug took out 2 of the high schools up here.  I am bound and determined for this family not to get sick so I definitely took advantage of being stuck indoors by doing some mad cleaning.  Bathrooms?  Cleaned from top to bottom.  Laundry?  Cleaned.  Towels?  Cleaned.  Blankets?  Cleaned.  Dusting even went on.  Tomorrow, we are going to steam the floors.  DETERMINED that we are not going to get sick.  What was even more awesome is that Mac let me scrub (while Joe was painting).  We got sooo much accomplished today.  AND I even went to a Zumba class.  Boom. 

We did spend a couple of hours all snuggly on the sofa, with a fire going, while watching Toy Story.  We are trying to desperately expand Mac's movie watching.  We separated out Mac's movies from the rest of the movies so we know what we already have for him.  We definitely need to get him more movies!

Before bedtime, it is "let's tackle Mac and brush his teeth time."  He always runs upstairs and gets on his bathroom stool.    

Even though that sounds awesome, he just sucks the toothpaste off of the toothbrush and then states that he is done.  Then the real rodeo begins.

 Joe is currently upstairs doing another coat and touchups!  I cannot wait to put Mac's big boy room together!  I am going to continue sitting here watching HGTV's House Hunters and watching the snow fall.......

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