Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hope & Portage

[Get ready to be photo bombed]

What a GORGEOUS day!  This is the type of day where Joe and I are just crazy lucky to live in a place like Alaska.  There is seriously not a cloud in the sky.  This morning we got up and decided to take a road trip!

While heading South, we stopped at Bird Creek.  Man, it was crazy windy!  We took family pictures and then hauled it back to the car.

The original plan was to head South to Portage but on the way down we decided to keep going to a place we have not been before...Hope, Alaska.

We went through the Pass and turned on the Hope turnout.  It took about another 30 minutes once we turned on the turnout but the views made it totally ok...well, and looking at the crazy houses that people live in.  We drove literally to the end of the road.  We decided to head into Hope's "Historical Section." The Social Hall was built in 1902.  Here is a picture of I guess one of the historical sections.....

One of the buildings was the "drug store" and it made me giggle.  One of the signs that it had also made me giggle.....

We kept driving down that main street until we got to the end.  At the end it is a RV/tent campground during the summer.  The views were stunning.  We decided that we will be back this summer!

Look at this funny sign on the way out!

There were a couple of scenic turn outs on the way back to so we took advantage of it....

And as always we had to have some pictures of Joe chunking Mac in the air.....

We did make our way back to Portage.  We stopped at the Portage Lodge (which we had never been in but was super nice) and grabbed some lunch.  Joe and I had a reindeer hot dog....while Mac ate our fries.

After the awesome lunch, we parked next to the lake where we saw a LOT of people either cross country skiing across it or winter biking across it.  At first I thought that they were crazy but then I thought that I would like to do that next winter (if I can learn to cross country ski).  Needless to say, it was incredibly gorgeous....

And this is what happens when someone has been in the car long enough.....

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