Monday, April 15, 2013

Paper flowers

I have been seeing paper flowers all over the internet.  So I thought to myself "why don't I try to make this?"  That led to a whole new group of problems.  Type of flower?  Difficulty level?  So many options.  I wanted the easiest possible which is unfortunately not the paper roses.  I think the paper roses are gorgeous.....not at my skill level yet.

I found this link:

Now....wait for is my version.  GHETTO-FIED.

Your supplies:
paper (supposedly magazine but I used a catalog I got in the mail today)
scissors (don't have fancy scissors so I used regular ones)
tape (I used painter's tape because it is what I had)
Stick thing (I used straws....because I had it and it was cheap-er)

**Sorry the pictures are no bueno but I took them with my cell phone.

Step 1: Triple fold a piece of paper (Long ways).  Make sure the side you like the best is on the outside of the fold.

Step 2: Use your scissors to cut small strips.  Be careful not to cut the entire way.

Step 3: If you have double sided thin tape put that at the bottom where there are not cuts.  Otherwise, do like I did and roll up painter's tape and place on the bottom.

Step 4:  Put your stick (or straw) on the edge and begin rolling it.  It does get bulky but just keep going!

Step 5: TA-DA!

Here was my first attempt....totally does not look like the link.  Is this is a Pinterest fail?????

I made a "bouquet" of "flowers"....and here is how it looks.  It is placed on our fireplace mantel.

It definitely did not turn out like I pictured it but it will do......

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