Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Yup, never believed that I would be doing a post with that title.  But, alas, my sweet and sour 2 year old has a Staph Infection.  We thought it was just a boil so we were constantly putting neosporin on it.  He went to daycare yesterday and Erica thought we should go to the doctor because it kind of looked like Staph.

I called Dr. Karaganis on my way home but she was out of town and had another doctor covering her practice.  That other doctor did house calls!  Joe called her and she said that she would be by between 6:30 and 7:30.  She came by around 7.  She weighed him (we are officially at 35 pounds).  She looked at his arm.  And yes, Mac has MRSA.  Right now it is just in that one spot  on his wrist.  She prescribed him antibiotics (oral and topical).  She wanted him to be at home for 24 hours with the meds before we sent him back to daycare.

I am staying home with Mac today, where I am getting lots of kisses and then lots of whining.  We are currently watching Cars for the first time today.  If I was a betting person, I would bet we will watch Cars roughly like 5 times today.  Joe had a lot of meetings today so he was unable to stay home.  Thank goodness I have an awesome boss/department chair because I was supposed to have a meeting this morning and she said that she would cover it for me (since it was my meeting).

Right now, Mac is taking away Heyward's toys from him and then throwing them.  He is enticing Heyward to chase him and then gets upset when Heyward chases him/nips (yes, he still nips because he is a big whopping 6 weeks old).

Speaking of the puppies, they also went to the doctor yesterday.  Bella and Heyward.  Bella weighs 13 pounds (probably 1-2 pounds of fur because she is SUPER fuzzy right now) and got her rabies shots.  Heyward weighs over 9 pounds and he got a bunch of his puppy shots.  The vet thinks that Heyward will be 60-70 pounds when he is full-grown.......

Alright, my people, wish me luck........staying at home with a cootie ridden toddler and a not housebroken puppy...........

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