Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The overwhelming cuteness.

Today was a day of meetings.  MEETINGS.  MEETINGS.  MEETINGS.  Oh the life of a sped teacher....speaking of being a teacher.  Next year, I am officially at Dimond High School which I am super excited about.  I don't yet know what my position is going to be but I am still excited.

In the world of Alaska today, the weather has been super weird.  At one point the snow was seriously coming down at the house but the sun was shining brightly.  We are supposed to be back up to 40 degrees this weekend which has people excited that maybe Spring is going to make an appearance.  Who knows?  As we live in Alaska, we can't really complain about snow......

In the world of ridiculous cuteness that we live in (aka Mac and Heyward) there was great fun to be had.  Mac beyond loves that puppy and that feeling is mutual.  Get ready for cute picture overload....

Granted, Mac was a super big butthead today but he is just so dang cute.  He has gotten super picky again about food.  We are currently eating waffles and chicken nuggets.  That's about it.  Grilled cheese?  NOPE.  Not having it.  Scrambled eggs?  DON'T WANT IT.  In this picture he was literally eating, crying, and smiling all at the same time.....

Joe went to go work out when I got this gem.....Mac pretending (literally) to be a dog.  Woof.  (Cross your fingers that I can actually load the video)

Mac and I got some good snuggle time in though while watching Madagascar.....AFRO CIRCUS!

Both of the dogs got baths tonight.  Heyward's first bath!  He is currently shivering downstairs on Joe while Joe watches some stupid man movie....

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