Monday, April 8, 2013

Toddler and his puppy

So....Heyward yelled a lot last night.  Poor little guy must be missing his family.  Joe got an appointment to get him in to the vet (which is where he is right now).  A friend of mine from work suggested getting a wind up clock so that the ticking will comfort Heyward at night.

Mac's love for Heyward is growing....and it is ADORABLE.  When Mac got home today, he showed Bella some love too.  He also tried to pick Bella up.....

And then Mac and Heyward started chasing each other, and oh my goodness, can you say cute????

All of that running around, made for a very sleepy Heyward.

And Mac LOVES LOVES LOVES Heyward.  He currently likes pretending that he is a dog...

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