Saturday, April 20, 2013

The count starts over...

I am tumor free for one year today.  Last year's tumor caused me to have to start my count over.  If I hadn't grown another tumor, I would have been tumor free for four years!

Me last year:

Me four years ago (they lost me in the hospital and this was picture was either taken before or after I called the anesthesiologist nurse a not nice word):

This is a day where I always have to sit and think about what I have gone through in the past couple of years.  There are large stressors that happen in a person's life (those stressor's are not always bad) and most people have them spread out.  Not me.  I knock them all out in a 4 year span.  Here is the summary of the last four years:

First year teaching
Grew a tumor/emergency surgery
Got married
Moved to the other side of the country
Got a new job
Got pregnant
Got another new job
Had Mac
Grew another tumor/emergency surgery
Lost Fallopian tube and ovary
Told I could have no more babies
Got rid of our dogs
Bought a house
Testing told me I could have more babies
Got another new job

Those are huge events to happen in such a short time frame.  It makes me realize that I am lucky.  I am lucky to have my amazing husband and my amazing son.  I am lucky that I have the best family that a girl could ask for.  I have a job.  We own our house.  We love our house.  We live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world.  We are lucky.  I am glad that I can now be at a point in my life where I can see the positive.  I can appreciate the positive.

Ok, the sappy part of this is over.  Moving on!  I am really into making my house smell good.  That is a difficult thing to accomplish when I have a gassy husband and son.  Oh and let's throw a new puppy into this mix.  Keeping a house smelling clean is not so easy.  Amy told me about putting lemons, rosemary, and vanilla in a slow cooker.  I love how lemon smells but doing that really didn't make my entire house smell like that.  The lemon smell is amazing though.  If anyone has smell good suggestions (that does not involve candles) please go ahead and send them my way!

We bought kitchen window sill herbs today which means my succulents needed to relocate.  I moved them to the dining room server.  I just think they are oh so cute.  Our main living space gets awesome lighting though so that helps!

We planted rosemary, basil, and spearmint in these cute yellow potters to go on our window sill.  They smell amazing.  Oh my goodness I could seriously just stand at the kitchen sink and smell the mint.  Awesome.

Another thing we got accomplished today was picking out and buying Mac's big boy bed.  There is not much left to do on Mac's bed........the weird thing about the mattress is that it is rolled up into a duffel bag.  That kind of makes it sound like it is going to not be good but it is a normal sized and feeling mattress.  Crazy!

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