Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mac's Big Boy Bed

Joe finished putting the slats in Mac's bed.  OH MY GOODNESS ADORABLE!

The mattress we bought was vacuum sealed in a giant Joe had to unroll it and we had to let it "deflate."

This morning we bought striped sheets from Target and a red reading pillow from Target.  (Oh my goodness I love that place).  The light blue comforter came from my mama and the quilt came from my mother-in-law (how cute is it that it is made out of Joe's old t-ball jerseys?).  I plan on hanging up white curtains on both of the windows.  The next thing to make is a bench to go in between two upright bookshelves to store all of his toys and books.

Obviously Mac loves his new bed!

This is my new favorite picture.

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