Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Today, was a LONG day.  Joe went to work and I was at home with the big man.  Mac rotated between being perfectly happy and then yelling.  At one point when he was yelling at me, I informed him that I do not negotiate with terrorists.  Heyward sent me over the edge by peeing in front of the door.  There were tears involved.....mine.  Mac gave me a big kiss when he saw me crying (yes, he is ridiculously sweet).

 I sanitized bedding.  I sanitized laundry.  I sanitized towels.  I sanitized toys.  I am tired and my hands are super dry.

Mac had a great time playing in his room while I folded his laundry.  He discovered that he likes pushing his trucks under his bed......and reading Curious George.

I am not sure if Mac is going to be able to go to Erica's tomorrow....we will see.  Joe is in the process of posting Mac's crib and changing table on craigslist.  We will use that money to buy the wood for his toy storage and bookshelves.

During one of the very few quiet times today, I plotted other things that Joe is going to build around the house.  I can't wait for him to finish Mac's furniture so we can move on to other projects!  I even picked out the colors I want things to be........


Yup, never believed that I would be doing a post with that title.  But, alas, my sweet and sour 2 year old has a Staph Infection.  We thought it was just a boil so we were constantly putting neosporin on it.  He went to daycare yesterday and Erica thought we should go to the doctor because it kind of looked like Staph.

I called Dr. Karaganis on my way home but she was out of town and had another doctor covering her practice.  That other doctor did house calls!  Joe called her and she said that she would be by between 6:30 and 7:30.  She came by around 7.  She weighed him (we are officially at 35 pounds).  She looked at his arm.  And yes, Mac has MRSA.  Right now it is just in that one spot  on his wrist.  She prescribed him antibiotics (oral and topical).  She wanted him to be at home for 24 hours with the meds before we sent him back to daycare.

I am staying home with Mac today, where I am getting lots of kisses and then lots of whining.  We are currently watching Cars for the first time today.  If I was a betting person, I would bet we will watch Cars roughly like 5 times today.  Joe had a lot of meetings today so he was unable to stay home.  Thank goodness I have an awesome boss/department chair because I was supposed to have a meeting this morning and she said that she would cover it for me (since it was my meeting).

Right now, Mac is taking away Heyward's toys from him and then throwing them.  He is enticing Heyward to chase him and then gets upset when Heyward chases him/nips (yes, he still nips because he is a big whopping 6 weeks old).

Speaking of the puppies, they also went to the doctor yesterday.  Bella and Heyward.  Bella weighs 13 pounds (probably 1-2 pounds of fur because she is SUPER fuzzy right now) and got her rabies shots.  Heyward weighs over 9 pounds and he got a bunch of his puppy shots.  The vet thinks that Heyward will be 60-70 pounds when he is full-grown.......

Alright, my people, wish me luck........staying at home with a cootie ridden toddler and a not housebroken puppy...........

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mac's first night in his big boy bed

I did not realize that putting Mac in a big boy bed would be hard for me as well.  It kind of signifies the beginning of the next chapter of his life as a big boy.  Oh my.

We put the toddler rail up on the bed.

Joe and I got into bed with him and read a book to him.  Mac particularly likes Curious George.

We tucked him in and gave him a big kiss......

It is 8:48 and we just went in to check on him.  He was PASSED out.  He was so stinking cute.

So far this is a success.....we will see what I am saying in the morning.....

Hope & Portage

[Get ready to be photo bombed]

What a GORGEOUS day!  This is the type of day where Joe and I are just crazy lucky to live in a place like Alaska.  There is seriously not a cloud in the sky.  This morning we got up and decided to take a road trip!

While heading South, we stopped at Bird Creek.  Man, it was crazy windy!  We took family pictures and then hauled it back to the car.

The original plan was to head South to Portage but on the way down we decided to keep going to a place we have not been before...Hope, Alaska.

We went through the Pass and turned on the Hope turnout.  It took about another 30 minutes once we turned on the turnout but the views made it totally ok...well, and looking at the crazy houses that people live in.  We drove literally to the end of the road.  We decided to head into Hope's "Historical Section." The Social Hall was built in 1902.  Here is a picture of I guess one of the historical sections.....

One of the buildings was the "drug store" and it made me giggle.  One of the signs that it had also made me giggle.....

We kept driving down that main street until we got to the end.  At the end it is a RV/tent campground during the summer.  The views were stunning.  We decided that we will be back this summer!

Look at this funny sign on the way out!

There were a couple of scenic turn outs on the way back to so we took advantage of it....

And as always we had to have some pictures of Joe chunking Mac in the air.....

We did make our way back to Portage.  We stopped at the Portage Lodge (which we had never been in but was super nice) and grabbed some lunch.  Joe and I had a reindeer hot dog....while Mac ate our fries.

After the awesome lunch, we parked next to the lake where we saw a LOT of people either cross country skiing across it or winter biking across it.  At first I thought that they were crazy but then I thought that I would like to do that next winter (if I can learn to cross country ski).  Needless to say, it was incredibly gorgeous....

And this is what happens when someone has been in the car long enough.....

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mac's Big Boy Bed

Joe finished putting the slats in Mac's bed.  OH MY GOODNESS ADORABLE!

The mattress we bought was vacuum sealed in a giant bag....so Joe had to unroll it and we had to let it "deflate."

This morning we bought striped sheets from Target and a red reading pillow from Target.  (Oh my goodness I love that place).  The light blue comforter came from my mama and the quilt came from my mother-in-law (how cute is it that it is made out of Joe's old t-ball jerseys?).  I plan on hanging up white curtains on both of the windows.  The next thing to make is a bench to go in between two upright bookshelves to store all of his toys and books.

Obviously Mac loves his new bed!

This is my new favorite picture.

Good morning!

Mac woke us up at 6:59 this morning.  Seriously.  I think the days of sleeping in are seriously gone.  He got in the bed with us for a little bit where he pretended to snore.  Silly man.

Joe got us donuts while Mac and I hung out!

Thursday, April 25, 2013



Can anyone name that movie????

Today was an awesome day at work.  The cherry on top of my day was the Zumba workout I had afterward.  One of my students and a couple of his football buddies came.  There were seriously more dudes than girls there!  I laughed the entire time.......HILARIOUS.

When I got home from work, the awesomeness continued.  (Even though when I called home after I left the school I could hear Mac SCREAMING in the background)

Joe and I also got another workout in by benching Mac.  Serious.

Guess what?  I got a video of it too!

The next activity included running down the hall and knocking Joe over.....READY GO!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No Copate!

So, Joebasuar has a ton of pictures to show y'all today! From the puppy to Mac playing/cuddling with mommy to the furniture build we have a lot of pictures and videos!!! Lets start with Mac's bed. I wend to Lowe's yesterday and picked 12 2x2 boards to use as support for Mac's mattress since he isn't going to have a box spring. This bed is solid! When sitting on the footboard, it feels like the bed is attached to the floor.

We had some ups and downs with Mac this afternoon. He was happy and playing with us and the puppy most of the time, but then had to be put in time out.. I don't remember what he did, but he wasn't happy.

Caution: the video below contains unintelligible toddler profanity!

After he apologized to mommy and gave us hugs and kisses it was back to playing! Jami asked him is he was going to cooperate and he kept saying, "No copate!" Hilarious!

The puppy passed out under us next to the couch. Not a very good spot with Mac hovering just above... Luckily he wasn't smashed:

Oh and one last thing. Erica posted this video of all the babies with her dad today. They are all so stinking cute!