Thursday, March 5, 2015


Yes.  I titled this post Hades.  This week has been from Hades.  However, coming home to my awesome family makes everything better.  Mac and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our snuggle time as observed below....

What makes me grin in the mornings is our kids in our bed.  We have to build pillow walls to keep Nora from rolling her chunky self off of our bed.  Mac likes to sit in the bed with her.  He also thinks it is funny when Nora climbs over him.  I am pretty sure that we are about to hit that time where he does not like it....

Nora thought kicking her legs against our headboard was hilarious.  The things that she finds hilarious make me giggle.  

After my day from Hades today at work, I came home to hang out with my kids on the sofa.  My awesome husband was making skyline chili.  Mac had his current favorite book (Stinky Cheese Man) and was trying to read it on the sofa.  I say "trying" because Nora was hindering the process....

Check out Mac's face.  

I decided to give Mac a break and stole Nora to do some selfies and snuggles and playing.  She is so funny.  She spent a while beating together two legos.  She thought that was fun.  Then she tried to roll herself out of my lap onto the floor.  

My big girl has discovered that she likes eating baby puffs and cheerios.  I think she feels empowered because she has teeth now.  Her two bottom teeth came in and they make me smile, except when she chomps down on my hand.  Then it hurts.

I stalk my favorite cupcake place on Facebook and today they had my all time favorite cupcakes.  Smores.  HOLY GOOD GRACIOUS.  So what did we do?  This Cash family piled into my car and we headed to the other side of town to get my favorites.  When we got back, this is how my kids decided to watch TV.  This lasted a big whopping 2 minutes.  Then Mac was done.  Nora thought it was fun!

After an awesome dinner of skyline chili, Mac demonstrated the correct way to eat a cupcake.  You eat the chocolate off first.  Then you lick the top of the cupcake to make sure that you got all of the chocolate.  Then you eat the bread part.  That, my family, is how one correctly eats a cupcake. 

Speaking of eating, this is how Nora relaxes after she has eaten too much.  She just lets it all hang out.  

We have gotten some pretty awesome stuff in the mail lately, besides junk.  Yesterday, Mac's new Easter basket came of GoodMama!

Nora's Easter basket has shipped but just hasn't gotten here yet!  Cannot wait to see it.  I love me some Pottery Barn Kids!

Another awesome delivery?!  I received my new Erin Condren life planner in the mail today.  I am stoked for the kids to go to sleep so I can organize it and write in it and put stickers in it and OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, I can get this excited over a planner/calendar.  Love is how I feel.

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