Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 2 of my Spring Break

And here is the picture breakdown of my Spring Break so far....

This is what happens when Joe gets ahold of your phone.  This is now the creepy face that looks at me when Joe calls my phone. 

This poster used to hang in our pediatrician's office and we would laugh about it every time.  She decided to give it to us.  It will one day be framed and hanging in Mac's room.  And it will make us smile everytime we see it.

She does not like the flash. 

Got distracted by the striped rug.

Insert weird noise here. 

See?  Seriously does not like the flash. 

She prefers to use her brother's head as a drum. 

This is the shmammered face. 

Two seconds before she pulled a little bit too hard on his ear.  

Check out my big beautiful fur baby. 

He is very patiently waiting for her to throw food at him. 

Someone looks tired.  You would think that he would take a nap.  You would be mistaken. 

That grin is so stinking cute. 

I took one of those random quizzes that you see on Facebook and this one was freakishly spot on.

This is how my little girl prefers to sleep. 

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