Tuesday, March 17, 2015


The weather is crazy nice!  We hit 46 degrees outside today with sunshine and no clouds.  What does this Cash family do when the weather is like that in Alaska!?  Why, we go outside in tshirts and shoot off Diet Coke rockets.  Well, Mac and Joe were in short sleeves.  I was in a long sleeve and Nora had on a zip up hoodie.

Joe ordered this mentos diet coke rocket kit off of Amazon.  It came with different type tops to screw onto a coke bottle and a mentos roll.  You put the top on the bottle and then you drop in mentos and BAM!  Coke shoots into the air!

When we came back in, Nora did some playing on the floor.....

And then I got some snuggles in while Nora was getting a bath.  I LOVE Mac snuggles.  He used to never let me snuggle and now snuggles are standard in the evenings....

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