Friday, March 27, 2015

Focusing on the positives

You know what's awesome?  Pain.  Pain is awesome.  (hear that sarcasm?!)  I spent my day at work with my heating pad on.  Yes, I have a heating pad just for work.  I told my students today about my surgery.  They are pretty worried and not super excited about all of this.  Because I work with a very specific population, I have to give them heads up about things because change seriously throws them off.  I hurt so bad today that I am actually called my doctor's office to get some anti-nausea pills so I could take some of my big girl pain meds.  I can't take them without anti-nausea. I really hate throwing up.  In case you can't tell, the meds are kicking in...I am feeling a little wonky.

However, a positive of the day is that my professional observation was posted and I got a LOT of exemplary's!  GO ME!  I have one more observation and my evaluator is coming in next week.  Hopefully, another class behaves as well as the last class that was observed.

OH!  Another positive!  I got the new JCrew catalog in the mail AND a Pottery Barn Kids catalog.  If I was loaded, I would buy out Pottery Barn.  I love the entire look.  I would also buy out J. Crew.  I did some relaxing and read through the catalogs.  That's my happy place!

Oh!  Another positive!  Erica took a funny picture of Mac today.  He has decided to wear a tutu.  A lot.  I am pretty sure that right now Joe is thinking it's funny but at some point he is going to decided enough is enough.  Today, Mac wore a tutu to do some finger painting.

He has also decided that pillow pets are the best things to play with.  For some reason, he has a LOT of pillow pets.  Like an obscene amount of pillow pets.

Ok.  I should probably put this up.  I am not even sure if this blog post makes sense. Whatever!  Have a great weekend!

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