Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Fightin' it

Yesterday, Nora was a handful.  She REFUSED to take a nap.  She was tired, rubbing her eyes and yawning.  SHE STILL REFUSED.  What did that mean for me?  She was extremely cranky.  She also thought it was funny at the same time.  There is a distinct possibility that I am going to have my hands full with her.....

Yesterday, after I attempted to get Nora to take her morning nap, I came downstairs to find a partially eaten apple in a bowl.  That's right.  Mac.

Yesterday, something else awesome happened!  I got 4 books in the mail.  I absolutely love to read.  Love it.  I really want to have a Beauty and the Beast library one day.  Joe ordered me some books from Amazon.  I am currently on a fiction stint with the focus primarily during World War II or turn of the century, overthrow of the Tsar of Russia.  I am currently rereading The Romanov Prophecy by Steve Barry.  I love his books.  They are a fiction series but at the end of the books, you kind of question if it could possibly be real.  The last book I finished of his was The Lincoln Myth which had to do with the Constitution, Lincoln, and Mormons.  The overall theme was did the founding fathers set up the Constitution with the thought that in the future a state could secede from the Union.  Good read.  I LOVE BOOKS!

Wanna see something funny?  It's my front yard.  It's green.  As in no snow.  This has been a crappy crappy non-winter.  I am really worried that the tulip bulbs I planted are not going to survive and they are going to be rotted.....

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