Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yard Work

We accomplished a LOT in the yard today.  I discovered that the bushes in our yard are Lilac bushes....well except for the two funky bushes against the fence.  No one knew what those were.  Our awesome neighborhood diagonal across the street gave me advice on how to prune the Lilacs.  So I did.  There is one dead in our yard but apparently the root system is huge on them so we are just going to cut it down level with the ground and move on.  I also trimmed the Lilac on the edge of the fence and it looks SO MUCH BETTER!

Speaking of along the fence, there were two terribly ugly dead shrubs hanging out next to the fence.  UGLY.

Ok, so I took this picture after I had already ripped the other ugly bush out.  But you get the idea on how ugly the bush is (the one on the right).

See how proud I am that I beat that shrub's butt????

And here is what it looks like with the two ugly shrubs ripped out......

It is amazingly better.  It is going to look EVEN better when the house gets painted and the fence gets painted!

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