Monday, May 20, 2013

"Oh gosh"

Mac seriously said that today.  It was his response to Joe taking off his socks because his feet stunk from splashing outside in a puddle.  Oh gosh.  Where in the world did he get that one from?????

This morning he picked his shirt out and apparently the sun inspired him to be tropical.  He brings a grin to my face every single day but especially on the days that he looks like this!

When I got home today, I discovered that Mac's Citrus Lane box had come in!  Oh my goodness!  Excitement.  The last box was not so good but this one was pretty awesome!

Mac LOVED the hamburger set.  I cannot emphasize loved enough.  "Mama, hambewger with cheese."

Once dinner started going (breakfast crescent roll ups), Mac and I headed outside to spend some quality time.  He loves going outside!  We pulled out the bubble lawn mower that he got for his birthday and he had a great time "cutting the grass."

I think this is the sweetest picture ever.

Guess what?  I also got a video!!!!!!!

Guess what else?  Stupid Blogger won't let me load the video.  I email it to you.  

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