Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

Yesterday we spent the ENTIRE day outside (and I have the tan to prove it)!  Caryn and Nick came over to help Joe with some of the house stuff.  He has started replacing the boards that he can reach.  Apparently, the previous people put not good wood up on the house.  Joe is replacing it with hardy board (?).  Obviously I have no idea what I am talking about when it comes to that kind of stuff.

We did set up a mini water park in our backyard though (consisting of a tarp an this water thing that hooks up to the water hose).  Mac and Cayla had a great time!

Someone is getting sleepy

A 2.5 second slow down....

Ready! Go!

He is so happy!

Heyward is TIRED.

This thing was cool....even if the water was FREEZING!

The only one I am missing is Joe in this picture...

About to squish mommy.


Heyward squished as well.  

Then he got distracted by the water.


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