Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time Out

Sometimes (and by sometimes I mean a lot) Mac needs time out.  Sometimes this mommy would LIKE a time out for herself.  Mac was up for literally about an hour and a half when he was put in his first time out.  Oh man.  Having a two year old and a puppy is exhausting.  EXHAUSTING.  However, they are both so dang cute!

I am a little behind on posts and pictures so.....

They were waiting for pizza....

My Thirty One starter kit came in and Mac LOVED the box!

This was this morning about 15 minutes before time out.  He loves wearing his new Crocs.  I really wish we had been able to find the Lightning McQueen ones in his size!

Joe had to take today and Friday off so we are going to get things done around the house.  Right now, he is in the garage building one of Mac's bookshelves.  I cannot wait to put all of Mac's books back on a shelf rather than all over the guest bedroom......

Does someone want to come put me in time out??????  

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