Sunday, May 19, 2013

Round 2: Dos Toddlers

So we had Liam again today.  I have no idea how Erica does this every single day.

They had a great time jumping on Joe......

Mac is super silly.  He pulled out his "tools goggles"......I love this baby!

Yesterday, the weather was TERRIBLE.  Today it was AWESOME.  One of the news channels up here made this photo (and this is seriously how the weekend went weather wise).....

Since the weather was super nice, we decided to pull out the Red Flier wagon and haul the boys to the playground.  They had a GREAT time!

I am queen of the playground!

Joe is silly

Liam scooted down the hill and Mac attempted to roll.

I had to be a good mama and show Mac the appropriate way to roll down the hill. 

Time to head home.

Joe got this really hilarious video of the boys dancing on the playground but for some reason I can't load it so he will have to do a post on it later......

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