Sunday, May 19, 2013

Snow & Dos 2 Year Olds

Whoopsie.  I have not one a post in a while.  My bad.  It has been nuts around here.  Literally as I type this there are two 2 year olds running around like crazy people upstairs (we kept our friend's son, Liam, so they could go to a class).  This is going to be a short photo bombed post......

This is what happens when those dos 2 year olds are in a bedroom. 

The only time Mac was still all day on Saturday.


And it snowed.  We have officially had the longest winter with 231 days. 

Mac: Liam, that's my daddy.

Toddlers in a bed.

Maybe another blog post to follow?  Who knows.  It is crazy in here.

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