Tuesday, May 7, 2013


At the school I work at we have advisories.  My group are freshman this year because I had seniors last year.  We meet for thirty minutes about once a week.  I started out with 24 and ended the year with 12 (technically 13 but only 12 show up).  I was not too sure of them when we first got going but I am down to a really good, sweet group of kids.  The reason I am talking about this is because today was my last meeting with advisory (especially since I will be at a different school next year).  We planned a potluck.  Oh my goodness they brought so much food!  The entered my room as a group, holding a giant cake....

They had a great time devouring the food....

I was supposed to cut the cake, which I did.  The problem came when I tried to pick the cake up with the weird knife I was using and I kind of threw the cake.  I tried to catch it but missed and ended up somehow getting cake in one of my kids' hair....whoopsie.

We decided to take group pictures...

One of my seniors came in to tell me how he did in his online class (he passed!) and he gave me a sweet poster thing.  I cried.

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