Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pig Platter

Oh man.  Target is a dangerous place.  I found the coolest things in Target today.  I found a white ceramic owl that is a piggie bank.  I was all over that!  I paid $3 for this pig platter (I find it adorable so don't judge).

I found Mac dinosaur figurines in the dollar section so he got 3 of those.  Spent the entire time in Target yelling like a dinosaur.

We spent some quality time outside again today.  It seriously got up to 70 degrees and you really just can't be indoors for that.  I am working on a great tan!  Sarah and Lee came over with their dog Kyla so Heyward got some great play time.  Sarah and I got our nails done.  I spent a lot of time sitting in our new chairs in the backyard watching the craziness!

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