Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcome to my classroom.

I was having a conversation with my mom the other day and decided that I should probably show the awesomeness of my classroom.  That is said with a lot of sarcasm!!!!!

My left side view from my desk.  

 Yes.  My markerboard was just placed over my chalkboard.  

 The view from the first door (I have 2 doors)

This is where I sit and glare at my students.  It brings terror to their lives. 

 View towards the front of my classroom.

Yes, my special ed classroom has a haz-mat suit in it.  Please notice that it is right next to where my class phone and printer gets plugged in at.  Yup.  In the ceiling. 

Not only do I have a haz-mat suit but I also have a fire blanket.  True story. 

This is the MOST cluttered my classroom has ever been. 

My view towards the front door.  I do have UGA cloth covering the chemical hood.

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