Sunday, March 31, 2013

We live in the land of awesome.

We have great friends.  We are definitely blessed by living in the land of awesome with our friends and family!

On Friday, Sarah and Lee came over for dinner.  We had steaks and potatoes and bacon wrapped mushrooms.  We just sat around was good times!

Saturday was a PACKED day!  Mac watched Cars 2 while we got dressed....

We went to the mall to get some more make up for me (score for free lipstick!).  We stopped by this Hawaiian themed coffee shack....look how cute!

And was Cayla's 2nd birthday party time!  Mac was super excited because he LOVES LOVES LOVES the Homerding family!

Mac LOVED the balloons!

Birthday girl!

My camera died during the present opening experience so hopefully I can later get the pictures from Caryn and Nick.  Mac decorated his first Easter eggs at their house!  He also had a great time playing with the desk chair....

We didn't leave until almost 8 so by the time we got home this was our sight.....

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